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Common Types of Vision Problems and What to Do About Them

Posted on January 5, 2022
Optometrist Doing Sight Testing For Patient

Are you struggling with vision problems? Don’t worry, you’re in good company. Around 6% of Americans, around 14 million people, are in the same situation!

Vision problems may be common, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about them. You can solve many of these common vision problems with a simple procedure.

Let’s take a closer look at the most common types of vision problems, and what to do about them.

Myopia (Nearsightedness)

Do you ever find yourself wandering around the grocery store, struggling to see the aisle markers? If so, you’re probably one of the millions of people who have myopia or nearsightedness.

You’re probably fine with reading menus and recognizing people up close. But put something a few feet away and things might get a little fuzzy. This can lead to some unpleasant side effects if not corrected.

These could include headaches, eye strain and fatigue, and squinting. Rates of myopia appear to be rising. Some experts feel that this is to do with the increased use of computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Myopia is usually spotted during childhood. It can often be corrected using glasses or contact lenses. Although it may level off for some people, for others it can deteriorate over time. 

Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

Do you find that you can see things in the distance clearly, but struggle to see things up close? Are you more comfortable reading distant road signs than sitting down and focusing on a novel?

If so, you’re probably suffering from hyperopia – farsightedness. This is incredibly common and is often seen in childhood. The good news for kids is that most of them grow out of it. 

It even runs in families. Like myopia, this is a refractive problem. These problems occur when the light passing through the cornea and lens is not refracted onto the retina properly.

You may also find that you suffer from dry eyes, headaches, squinting, and eye pain.

Astigmatism – Blurred Vision

Astigmatism might not roll off the tongue as easily as being nearsighted or farsighted. However, the fact is that most people with one of those conditions will also have astigmatism as a free extra!

While this is nothing to shout about, it does make sense as to why many of us don’t just have pure myopia or hyperopia. Astigmatism means that part of the eye is not curved as it should be.

This again leads to issues with refraction. When our eye is spherical, it refracts light evenly. Astigmatism causes our eyes to be shaped more like a football.

This can cause eye strain, blurred vision, or both. It’s a common condition, and we often inherit it from our parents. Thanks, mom and dad!

Astigmatism is one of the types of vision problems that glasses and contact lenses can help to correct. However, as soon as we stop wearing them, the problem remains. They can help us to see clearly, but won’t actually help to fix the problem.

Presbyopia – Aging Eyes

Our eyes naturally change after 40. There’s nothing we can do to prevent it – we’re developing presbyopia. In ancient Greek, it simply means ‘old eyes’.

You’ve no doubt seen people of a certain age holding their phone at arm’s length to see it. Maybe you’ve started doing it yourself. That’s a sure sign that you are developing a key symptom of presbyopia.

Presbyopia means that the eye struggles to focus on objects that are near. It starts at around 40 and continues to get worse until you are about 60. Then it usually remains stable.

Glasses and contact lenses can help to restore your vision to good levels. There are also more advanced forms of glasses available.

These include reading glasses, bifocals, trifocals, and progressives. The last three have different prescriptions on one lens, to help you see clearly in different situations.

How to Prevent Eye Problems

As we’ve seen, many eye conditions are inherited. Presbyopia develops as we age. Although these conditions are not preventable, there are things we can do to reduce the risks of vision problems.

First of all, make sure you have regular eye exams. This is not just about checking your vision. During an exam, the eye care professional will check the health of your eye.

They will be able to spot diseases and vision problems before you are even aware of them.

Also, maintain healthy blood glucose levels. This can help to prevent vision problems, including blindness, related to diabetes.

Do you spend a lot of time looking at a screen? Give your eyes regular breaks. Try to follow the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes of screen time, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

How to Correct Vision Problems

Glasses and contact lenses can be a big help. They can mean that we can live our lives with an acceptable level of vision despite the vision problems mentioned above.

The problem is that you rely on them. You have to wear them all the time. Would you like a solution that freed you from glasses and contacts?

The answer to all of these vision problems is iLasik! iLasik can correct a wide range of refractive vision problems.

iLasik is a highly advanced technique. It is personalized to your individual eyes. The result is that 95% of patients leave with 20/20 vision or better!

Do you have one or more of the issues mentioned above? Talk to a specialist to find out if you are a candidate for iLasik!

Say Goodbye to Vision Problems with Eye Lasik Austin

The types of vision problems we looked at can sure be a drag. Glasses and contact lenses can help, but they’re only a temporary, wearable solution. Imagine the freedom of having great vision and not having to rely on glasses anymore!

At Eye Lasik Austin, we combine the latest technology with highly-skilled and experienced staff. We’re here to help you with any concerns you may have. We want you to achieve possibly the best level of vision you’ve ever had!

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation

"Seamless, flawless and painless!"

Eye LASIK Austin

6500 N. Mopac • Building 2, Suite 2101 • Austin, TX 78731

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T 512.346.3937 | wecare@eyelasikaustin.com
Hours: Monday-Friday: 8am–5pm • Closed Weekends